New World Order Index

Devil’s Plan

 World Economic Forum (WEF)  New World Order (NWO)        240905

Evil goal    1. Remove Individual identity   2. Remove all Freedom
All we have to do is Submit 100% of OUR Freedom ~ Then the DEVIL is Happy
America ~ Index Complete Pg View

INDEX                                                         Please SCROLL to View the Details for the Topics below

1. World Economic Forum (WEF) ~ New World Order (NWO) ~ 240904

2. America is a Sovereign Nation ~ Claim it ~ 240903
Devil’s Plan

 1. World Economic Forum (WEF)  New World Order (NWO)        240904

America to be converted to these 16 features   America to be the Model for all countries
WEF & NWO Manual Intro  PDF
July 2024 World population ~ 8,200,000,000   Tools to use ~ Nuclear War, Starvation, Vaccines  New population ~ 492,000,000
1. Everyone controlled by government.
2. All property owned by government
3. All perverted marriages legalized
4. All children owned by & raised by government
5. No Homemakers permitted
6. Children, women, men work for government
7. All production owned by government
8. All religions banned ~ Mary Baker Eddy prophesied this may happen
9. If do not agree to #8 ~ Imprisoned or Terminated
10. This entire plan designed by Nazi Germany 
11. Deception will be the tool to convince acceptance
12. If accept & promote plan = Supervise others 
13. The only party is communism.
14. All elements of Christianity to be eliminated.
15. Violence to be used to accelerate the change. 
16. Famine, depression, war tools to make the change

American Freedom
4 Prayer Treatments


2.  America is a Sovereign Nation ~ Claim it

Greatest Evil ~ Good people see Need & Do nothing

American Freedom Index
7 Categories ~ Each with
Individual pages View

1. We each are Born Free ~ Play together

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1. Form the Perfect model in thought & stick with it. 
2. There is no life, truth, intelligence or substance in matter. All is infinite mind & its infinite manifestation. [SH 468]
3. Salvation must be worked out utilizing qualities of God ~ Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love ~ NOT GOVT
4. God is the only compliance required ~ Not so called mortal man.
5. No one has the power to deprive man of basic needs. 

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2. Only cost of real Health = Giving up matter

3. We each need to work out our own salvation

4. Do not Comply with any illegal govt mendates

5. Happiness is not owning, nothing & eating bugs